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Searching the Database of the 1860 US Census of Northern Aroostook County

Information on the transcription of the 1860 census. Note: the search results are based on uncorrected data. Always go to the transcription page to verify information. Please be sure to read the introduction to the database search.

Last name
A note on last names
is exactly
starts with
First name
A note on first names
is exactly
starts with
Age     between   and Sex   
Note: To search for a specific age, enter same value in both boxes.
For ages under 10, put zero as first digit, eg 01, 02, etc.
For infants under 1 year, enter .01 in first box, .11 in second, where the number after the decimal equals the number of months for example .02 = two months, .11 = 11 months, etc.
Occupation contains
Township of Residence
List of current township names
Birthplace contains

Start search at entry:

Soundex: To get soundex code, click this link:
Get Soundex Code
.  Enter last name into box on popup window. Then enter resulting code into 'Soundex code' box below:

Soundex code:
An explanation of searching last names using soundex   

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This tool was created using Stephen P Morse's One-Step Search Tool generator
Special thanks to Ken Roy for his technical assistance in setting up this database and helping modify the scripts.
Last revised 29 March 2021
© 2021, C.Gagnon