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Acadians living near Fredericton in 1783

Posted: 01 Feb 2005 08:35
by ChipG
In 1783 the British government undertook a census of settlers on the lower St.John River, in preparation for resettling Loyalists in the province of Nova Scotia (soon to become New Brunswick).

In June 1783 Maj. Guilford Studholm compiled this list of settlers in what has come to be known as the "Studholm Report".

One group was "French Inhabitants", who were living "above St. Ann's", that is, above today's Fredericton.

Included in this group are a number of Acadians who eventually moved further up the river to the Madawaska Settlement (including my own ancestor Joseph Daigle)

This is a great resource for those interested in tracing the paths of their Acadian ancestors between the expulsion in 1755 and their settlement in Madawaska 3 to 4 decades later.

Check it out: French Inhabitants on the lower St.John River, June 1783