Marriages of Ste.Luce Church, 1843-1860

Individual search result detail

(For explanation and translation of terms go to Ste.Luce marriages page)
Database Record ID number:
Date of marriage:6 May 1843 (Saturday)
Number of banns, parish(es):0 bann(s) published at
Groom’s nameFrancois Gendreau
Groom’s Occupation:
Groom’s parish of residence:Ste.Luce
Son: of age (fils majeur)
or under age (fils mineur)
fils majeur
Groom’s Father:
(feu, défunt = deceased)
feu Pierre Gendreau
Groom’s Father’s Occupation:
Groom’s Mother:
(feue, défunte = deceased)
défunte Marie Gamache
Parent’s Home:
Ste.Anne, Bas Canada
Widower (veuf) of:
Bride’s Name:Marguerite Aux
Bride’s parish of residence:
Daughter: of age (fille majeure) or under age (fille mineure)Fille mineure
Bride’s Father:
(feu, défunt = deceased)
Alexis Aux
Bride’s Father’s Occupation:
Bride’s Mother:
(feue, défunte = deceased)
Marie Lavigne
Parent’s Home:
Widow (veuve) of:
Witness 1:Charles Bouchard
Witness 2:Baptiste Ouellet
Parish Register Notes:les futurs époux vivant ensemble depuis deux ans, sous pretexte d'avoire été mariés par un Americain nommé Wilork
(the future spouses have been living together for two years, claiming to hav been married by an American named Wilork)
(not from register):
Priest:Henri Dionne
Marriage number:M5
Page number:5b
Soundex of Groom:G536
Soundex of Bride:A200
Soundex of deceased spouse(s):
Soundex of Groom’s Mother:G520
Soundex of Bride’s Mother:L125

For more information go to the Ste.Luce Marriages page

Go to the Upper St.John River Valley main page

Last revised 27 March 2021
©2006-2021 C.Gagnon
Special thanks to Ken Roy for his help in updating the scripts.