"A Plan of the Public Lands in the State of Maine" 1835

Below is a map of Maine from 1835, showing the townships surveyed, as well as the unsurveyed public land in northern Maine.

The map below was copied from a reproduction and is thus not of best quality. But as you move your cursor over each township in Aroostook County, a popup box will give the information on the map:

A note on the geography: In the early 1800s the geography of northern Maine was still not well-known, since the entire area had not been carefully surveyed. Comparing this map to a modern-day one will highlight this fact. Thus there may not be an exact correspondence between townships and physical features portrayed on this map, and the actual topography of the region. This map is interesting for historical reasons however: it provides the early names of townships, the first purchasers or grantees of the land.

As you see, the Madawaska Settlements were on land that the States of Maine and Massachusetts had not yet surveyed.

For many of the townships in Aroostook County, clicking on the township will bring you to a brief description of the town as well as the various censuses and surveys on this web site where you can find more information on the inhabitants of the township.

The map's scale is 3.4 miles to the inch

The map is entitled :

of the
Public Lands
in the
State of Maine

Surveyed under Instructions from the
Commissioners and Agents
of the
States of Massachusetts and Maine
a part of which have been set off in severalty to each State,..viz.
Those to Mass. are designated by the letter C for Commonth. Those to Maine by
the letter M. Those that have been sold by Mass. and not conveyed have a
Star upon them, thus * Those conveyed have the name of the grantee
placed thereon.
Copied from the original surveys on a reduced scale & corrected by
Land Agent of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
1st August,

Click here for enlarged view of map
Bakersville (now Baker Brook) No.4, 5th Range - Maine - 23,040 acres (now Crystal) A Plan of the Public Lands of the State of Maine - Geo.W.Coffin, Land Agent of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts - 1st August, 1835.

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Last revised 21 Jan 2006
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